Mindfulness for Borderline Personality Disorder

Welcome back to Bibliotherapy Thursday! This week’s pick is a gem of a resource for anyone who has been diagnosed with BPD: Mindfulness for Borderline Personality Disorder: Relieve Your Suffering Using the Core Skill of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy by Blaise Aguirre, MD and Gillian Galen, PsyD.

For those with BPD, it can feel like your life is synonymous with being misunderstood. Not only is there a lot of stigma related to personality disorders, but the nature of it can make relationships particularly challenging. You may find yourself internalizing labels and messages of hopelessness from those who have little understanding of the diagnosis. Thankfully, there are genuinely effective tools and resources available for anyone who would like to learn to manage their symptoms, improve their quality of life, and nurture their relationships. Whether you’re just starting to learn about DBT or you’re currently in individual and/or group therapy, this book is a wonderful companion for the journey. Readers will not only learn about the diagnosis itself, but are provided with a wealth of exercises that build skills like emotion regulation, self compassion, and interpersonal effectiveness.

You can find Mindfulness for Borderline Personality Disorder in print, e-book, and audiobook at these retailers:

Morning Light doesn’t receive compensation for sharing book recommendations, nor do we receive a commission if you choose to buy the book. We just love them and think some of our clients may find them useful!


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