My Ukrainian American Story

In September of last year, we featured the wonderful children’s book We Are Refugees to help children learn about their new neighbors and classmates from Afghanistan. Given the anticipated arrival of friends and family from Ukraine who are in the process of joining our communities, we would like to again share that book along with a more culturally specific children’s book: My Ukrainian American Story by Adrianna Bamber.

Whether your child has a new friend who is a Ukrainian refugee, their Ukrainian-American friend is hosting newly arrived family members, or you simply wish to give them a more global perspective, this bright and engaging book shares pieces of Ukrainian culture through the eyes of the narrator, a little girl named Oksana. She shares her family traditions like making pyrohy, creating embroidery and pysansky, and playing instruments like the bandura and tsymbaly. Children will delight in both the similarities and differences of their own cultural heritage and traditions, and may be eager to try their hand at writing the Ukrainian alphabet or participating in Ukrainian dances just like Oksana!

You can find My Ukrainian American Story in print at these retailers:

Morning Light doesn’t receive compensation for sharing book recommendations, nor do we receive a commission if you choose to buy the book. We just love them and think some of our clients may find them useful!


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