Peace is an Offering

Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, New Year, Lunar New Year, Ayyám-i-Há — no matter our faith or cultural background, this season is one where humanity strives to come together. Our celebrations may have different names or be held on different days, but they are all built on a foundation of generosity, hospitality, and fellowship. There are many wonderful children’s books about specific holidays, but if you’re looking for a way to celebrate the season as a whole and share the concept of unity in diversity with your kids, check out the bilingual book Peace is an Offering by Annette Le Box.

Featuring multicultural illustrations and written in both English and Spanish, Peace is an Offering explores the meaning of “peace” and how we can show kindness and bring comfort to one another in times of hardship. I particularly appreciate that aspect of it, as the holiday season can be bittersweet for those who are missing loved ones or experienced a tragedy that year. This book encourages children to offer love and support to those around them, and notice the little joys in the world if they feel downcast themselves.

You can find Peace is an Offering in print and e-book at these retailers:

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