The Plastic Problem

Welcome back to Bibliotherapy Thursday! As children grow and become more aware of the world around them, it’s not uncommon for them to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of challenges facing humanity. Children and adolescents have a particularly keen sense of justice and a desire to change the world, yet are understandably unsure about how to do so. In order to prevent depression or apathy brought on by these overwhelming feelings, adults can empower children to have a hand in solving problems in their community. With this in mind, and in honor of Earth Day tomorrow, our pick this week is a great book packed full of world-changing activities: The Plastic Problem: 60 Small Ways to Reduce Waste and Save the Earth by Aubre Andrus.

Just as informative and helpful to adults as it is to kids, The Plastic Problem offers easy-to-digest information about the impact of non-biodegradable waste and how to reduce it. From offering alternatives to single-use plastics to ideas of how to get involved in community clean-up efforts, this book shows children that they have the power to save the world.

This is one of those books that kids will remember for the rest of their lives. Even if they take only one or two gems from it and apply it to their daily lives going forward, they will have a measurable impact on their planet, their community, and their own sense of self-worth. What better way to celebrate Earth Day?

You can find The Plastic Problem in print and e-book at these retailers:

Morning Light doesn’t receive compensation for sharing book recommendations, nor do we receive a commission if you choose to buy the book. We just love them and think some of our clients may find them useful!


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